The irony that you are in this group and assume that anyone here would trust the narrative of MSM is blinding. I have drawn my conclusion on scientific studies of correlating behaviors. The entirety of the LGBTQ is a net negative. If you can't sit well with that, then it is too bad. Nothing is changing the statistic for degeneracy.
Generalizations exist for a very good reason. When you begin to notice a pattern in a select group, is it wrong to point it out? Is it odd that among a study of 400 pedophiles, 80 percent identified as LGBT? Continue to live in fantasy land where everyone should do as they please. Appeasing to demagogues and allowing people to do as they please in the name of liberty are exactly why the US is in the state that it is.
No you just cherry-picked bad science which would easily correlate to your preconceived prejudices of choice. Funny how everything that’s gone on in the past year with Fauvid and you’re still asleep. Science isn’t about absorbing the bad science of whatever “expert” you prefer.
You’re generalizing people. MSM is concerned w/ divisiveness. You fell for it
The irony that you are in this group and assume that anyone here would trust the narrative of MSM is blinding. I have drawn my conclusion on scientific studies of correlating behaviors. The entirety of the LGBTQ is a net negative. If you can't sit well with that, then it is too bad. Nothing is changing the statistic for degeneracy.
Generalizations exist for a very good reason. When you begin to notice a pattern in a select group, is it wrong to point it out? Is it odd that among a study of 400 pedophiles, 80 percent identified as LGBT? Continue to live in fantasy land where everyone should do as they please. Appeasing to demagogues and allowing people to do as they please in the name of liberty are exactly why the US is in the state that it is.
No you just cherry-picked bad science which would easily correlate to your preconceived prejudices of choice. Funny how everything that’s gone on in the past year with Fauvid and you’re still asleep. Science isn’t about absorbing the bad science of whatever “expert” you prefer.
Look to primary sources