I take the set of vitamins we all talk about daily. I’m not a skinny guy but not a lardass either. My wife got Covid about 2 weeks ago. She had the usual classic symptoms… fever, slight chest burn, tired as fuck, heavy congestion, and no taste or smell. I’ve changed nothing in our daily lives/routine. We sleep in the same bed, hug, and snuggle up etc…. I’ve not gotten sick at all. No known previous infection. I thought this thing was so muuuh contagious. Anyone else experience this?
ivermectin helped my wife tremendously. We luckily have a pharmacy here that still fills it. It took 5 days to fully recover once she was on ivermectin.
Holy shit Batman this is all incredibly helpful!! It looks like Natural Grocers also carry food grade hydrogen peroxide so it's possible I can get my hands on that today! Also excited to see some increased vitamins, she has not been taking them at the levels recommended when sick so we will increase those as well! Thank you so much for this great information!
One ml of 12% is 4 ml of 3%.
BE CAREFUL!!! U will fry ur lungs if you over do it!!!!
Thank you farpointpatriot for chiming in with this information, I truly appreciate all who are pitching in here!
It's funny you mentioned this as I am writing down exactly what I will be looking for in the store! I don't want to order online as I'm afraid the package will get hung up like everything else that I have ordered recently (except the horse paste ironically). I DID take notice of the different percentages of HP and seriously was double checking this with the dilution ratios. For anyone else following all of this extremely helpful information, I was sent this link which has some helpful information about hydrogen peroxide and iodine treatments! I agree that we need to be extremely careful with this so I am trying to back this up in several places so I don't kill my Mom! https://www.spiritofchange.org/nebulized-peroxide-a-simple-remedy-for-covid-19/