I take the set of vitamins we all talk about daily. I’m not a skinny guy but not a lardass either. My wife got Covid about 2 weeks ago. She had the usual classic symptoms… fever, slight chest burn, tired as fuck, heavy congestion, and no taste or smell. I’ve changed nothing in our daily lives/routine. We sleep in the same bed, hug, and snuggle up etc…. I’ve not gotten sick at all. No known previous infection. I thought this thing was so muuuh contagious. Anyone else experience this?
ivermectin helped my wife tremendously. We luckily have a pharmacy here that still fills it. It took 5 days to fully recover once she was on ivermectin.
Wife got the Rona this week: Monday: oddly tired, slight chest pain Tuesday: painful deep breathing and moving Wednesday: Lost taste and smell. Bed bound, completely exhausted, lack of appetite, 99.5 temp. STARTED DR Zolencko (sp) PROTOCOL. Added to that a nebulized 12% MEDICAL GRADE hydrogen peroxide AND saline (1:12) mix - @ 7ml per treatment. Did that twice for 30 min each time. This quickly fixed the chest pains issue. This one shocked me how well it worked. Thursday: Taste and Smell still gone, still tired, getting a bit better. Still bed bound. Continued nebulizer treatments and protocols. Appetite back big time. Friday: pains gone. Fatigue gone. Decided to walk on treadmill for 30 min (she normally does 60min). Continued protocols and nebulizer treatments. Saturday morning: Woke up at 730, Forced herself on me (Now I need the breathing treatment). Got up, had coffee worked out for 60 minutes. Worked in garden for an hour. Id say she is recovered. Smell and Taste somewhat returned but off a bit. Continuing Protocols until Tuesday just to be safe. Not taking Ivermectin zelencko protocol for anyone with early Rona is fuking irresponsible and cruel. When I hear about people taking weeks to recover pisses me off. Completely unnecessary. We are late 40s (FYI).
I'm not sure I follow your statement about "not taking ivermectin zelenko protocol" do you mind clarifying what you mean by that? Respectfully questioning because we have been following zelenko protocol from day 2 on and it's hanging on unfortunately.
I am of the opinion that if a medical professional type person, or anyone with half a brain, is aware of the protocol and not using it for folks that have early Rona, they are being irresponsible. Of course let me say I am not a doctor. This is just my opinion. Are you in day two? Not sure what you mean. My spouse did not start to spring back until day 3. One thing I always keep in mind is that almost ANY protocol is for a ‘normal’ size person. I am 6’2 270. I up my dosage on almost everything except the ivermectin. I especially went up on the vitamin C and D3. Gotta be smart about it. See a doctor if u are even the slightest bit unsure.
Thanks for the clarification! I meant that we started the Zelenko protocol on day 2 of symptoms/fever (my Mom and daughter) including ivermectin. Mom is now on day 8 with no relief from the fever yet. She is allergic to a lot of stuff, her immune system is absolute shit and to boot, she takes narcotic pain meds (which have tylenol in them) daily so I can't get her to stop tylenol so her body can fight it itself. My next hope is the peroxide and iodine. I do wish we had a doctor that would suggest these things but we are all scared to see any doctor at this point because they are either stupid or snowed by the propaganda of the day. I think I will have her increase vitamin C for now and will venture out to find nebulizer supplies. I appreciate all of your information a great deal, thank you! Also will be looking into high caloric alkaline food, she's dropping weight fast and was already too skinny from having g Salmonella earlier this summer. I would do anything to get her better....well except the Fauci Ouchie, hard pass on that!
Here is what a doctor told me this week. If you have a compounding pharmacy near by, they would have a lot of this. Regular pharmacy doesn’t seem to have the food grade hydrogen peroxide, but you can get it on Amazon. Hope it might help!
It was a pleasure speaking with you today. Here is what we discussed: 1.Try adding bone broth and get plenty of rest
Studies have shown ivermectin inhibits replication of SARS-CoV-2 and seasonal influenza viruses, inhibits inflammation through several pathways, lowers viral load, protects against organ damage, prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 when taken before or after exposure, speeds recovery and lowers risk of hospitalization and death in COVID-19 patients.
Continue current medications
Start Orthobiotic (probiotic) 1-2 capsules a day
At first signs of illness (cold, flu, covid, sinus infection, etc), you can do the food grade hydrogen peroxide neb treatments up to hourly, and then as you improve, do them 4 x a day until well. Use 1ml peroxide + 2ml saline for each neb. If you notice burning in sinuses or eyes, you can decrease the peroxide to 0.5ml +2ml saline.
Budesonide (steroid) for nebulizer. At first symptoms of COVID, nebulize this twice daily. (Alternate with the hydrogen peroxide-e.g. steroid, then peroxide, then steroid, then peroxide, throughout the day)
Even if you aren't short of breath, I recommend doing these steroid nebs every day, twice daily. This may help prevent the loss of taste and smell that is so common with covid.
8.Since COVID increases the risk for blood clots, including for weeks beyond recovery, please take a baby aspirin (81mg) daily for 6 weeks.
We also highly recommend the following supplements:
vitamin C 1000mg twice daily for prevention, or 2000mg 3 x a day until recovered if you are sick.
Vitamin D 2000iu daily for prevention, or 5000iu daily until recovered if you are sick.
Quercetin 250mg daily for prevention, or twice daily until recovered if you are sick.
Zinc 50mg daily for prevention, or 100mg daily until recovered if you are sick.
Melatonin 6mg at bedtime for prevention, or 10mg at bedtime until recovered if you are sick.
Avoid sugar since it immediately suppresses your immune system for several hours.
If you don't already have one, you should purchase a pulse oximeter on amazon or possibly at a local pharmacy. They typically cost $10-20. It's important to monitor oxygen saturation in the blood with COVID. If your oxygen saturation is consistently below 93%, OR you are breathing at a rate of 23 breaths per minute or higher, seek medical attention immediately.
You can take Alka Seltzer cold/flu daytime and nighttime versions as needed for symptom relief. (if you can't find this one, or have another preference such as Theraflu or Nyquil, that's ok too). These often have Tylenol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen, or aspirin (salicylic acid), so be sure to not duplicate these. Use immodium as needed.