But, what if you trust the word of TOTAL STRANGERS over the word of the Licenced, trained, and registered Medical Doctors - who have been CONSISTENTLY WRONG on:
masks that aren't safe for painting, smoke, are made of material you can see through, but magically stop a virus - for months on end
social distancing, that an airborne virus mysteriously drops dead at 5 ft 11 inches
mRNA is perfectly safe, and will never travel from the Deltoid muscle though your body
PCR testing is a good way to determine if you have COVID
The vaccine will make you immune from COVID
Invermectin and HQZ with Azithromycin are ineffective in combatting COVID
The Vaccine is perfectly safe, despite no long term studies, and the known permanent damage it has caused to hundreds of thousands
The 13,000 deaths in OPENVAERS is nothing to be concerned about
We need to vaccinate children, who are at zero statistical risk from this virus
After 2 years, they STILL have not isolated the COVID virus, despite allegedly having millions of corpses that have "died" from this virus.
There is literally NOTHING that they have been right on, to date. NOTHING
Yes, I trust my dog's advice over that of the medical profession.
But, what if you trust the word of TOTAL STRANGERS over the word of the Licenced, trained, and registered Medical Doctors - who have been CONSISTENTLY WRONG on:
masks that aren't safe for painting, smoke, are made of material you can see through, but magically stop a virus - for months on end
social distancing, that an airborne virus mysteriously drops dead at 5 ft 11 inches
mRNA is perfectly safe, and will never travel from the Deltoid muscle though your body
PCR testing is a good way to determine if you have COVID
The vaccine will make you immune from COVID
Invermectin and HQZ with Azithromycin are ineffective in combatting COVID
The Vaccine is perfectly safe, despite no long term studies, and the known permanent damage it has caused to hundreds of thousands
The 13,000 deaths in OPENVAERS is nothing to be concerned about
We need to vaccinate children, who are at zero statistical risk from this virus
After 2 years, they STILL have not isolated the COVID virus, despite allegedly having millions of corpses that have "died" from this virus.
There is literally NOTHING that they have been right on, to date. NOTHING
Yes, I trust my dog's advice over that of the medical profession.
They consider themselves "heroes" but LIE about EVERYTHING. (sheep believe they're heroes).