Covid is a bioengineered virus created by the deep state/China in order to implement their plans across the world... Released to prevent Trump from getting into office for a second time and sabotage his fight against the deep state... The media lied about the numbers, it's not as deadly as they say, but it's still an enhanced virus... They hid the cures and ways to prevent and lessen the disease in a mass crime against humanity...
Covid isn't real...!
If we mistreated flu and pneumonia every year we would have similar results. Where were the steroids for pneumonia? Why send people home? ventilators are a last resort. Multiple treatments banned. What was the largest subset of cv deaths ? Influenza and pneumonia. 273,000 Pneumonia is bacterial. Something called a have diaper creates the Perfect environment for?????? Bacterial pneumonia Since only 1832 cases of the flu were found across the entire nation and the RTPCR test had been recalled, why and? and every other test had been administered incorrectly at a cycle threshold of 45 EVERY SINGLE"CASE" IS FRAUDULENT Incentivizing humans for money to mistreat and kill people to provide the narrative covered by media to protect big Pharma. So the can have numbers like 90 billion In only the second quarter. FOLLOW THE MONEY