First up, I refuse to sign up to any social media app I really don't need to. So that leads to a problem. Telegram might be flavor of the month for all the exposure needs, but some of us won't go back to social media as we may have before, and this leads to an information bottle neck. This is compounded by people trying to show off their cleverness (it's not really) by making posts containing such information with cryptic topic titles and trite cryptic wittiness in the description, with little to no information of importance in the post.
So, the point of this: Is there a "service" that exists to give a link to download the pertinent info? Youtube has MANY sites like this, so I'm wondering if there was something like it for Telegram.
This is not exactly what you asked for, but perhaps it will help. Usually, when people post a Telegraph link, like this, , it takes you to a Telegraph page that insists that the app is needed. If you click the "view it in Telegram", it won't let you. However, if you add an s/ to the url right after the me/, like this: you can browse that channel without logging in or downloading the app. I do this on my laptop browser. I can see all the posts, but some of the video's won't play for me, some will.
This is the approach I use as well. No login needed is great, being able to link to a post or channel in a way viewable by everyone is nice also.
Recommended for people not wanting to sign in, a position I agree with.
I don't know much about Telegram as I tried to set up a channel and have zero idea how to get people to follow it. 🤣 I use it for venting - kind of like a personal journal.
But I do know that although Telegram may have moderators or IA who monitor it, each BIG channel has their own mods who, (as I have found out myself) will block you on just that channel. I.E. for which I am banned for a post the mods didn't like. So I unfollowed the channel.
I really think some of these channel mods think they are CNN elites.
Talk about creating division. If you post something they don't like and the mods ban you, how is that different than Twitter. YouTube, Facebook? Just Saying ....
I like telegram for downloading video mainly. But I also like it because where I live I don't get cell service, my wife works 4 miles down the road and I can keep in touch with her easily through it, and share videos and forward telegram messages to her to share at work.
That's great and all, but do you have an answer for my request, or is this just a cheerlead to someone who REALLY doesn't care about how convenient it is (or other non relevant information)?
I left most social media for a very specific reason, and I'm not the only one. I don't need to know how good the Psyop tech is, I need access to the information it gatekeeps.
If you dont know how convenient it is to be able to grab video clip from news clips, live feeds, articles that have just been released than I dont know what to tell wont get that from youtube, or facebook, or a lot of others....
Plenty out there, and I ain't cheerleading don't like it, don't fucking use it...simple as that. In this day and age ALL of them have flaws....Your request sounds like you need somebody to decide which social media for you to use, and any, and every answer you will have the same snotty fucktard kid reply about how you aint happy with this or that....fuck off
You are fucked in the head, bud. I asked for relevant information, you shared something about your homelife. Somehow I'm wrong for asking for ways to gain information that's being gatekeeped behind a login. Try again, that's Leftist logic right there. Check yourself before you really do wreck yourself, mate.
Fuck off , learn to search for shit noob
So says the 44 day old account. You want to play the game, learn the rules. You fucked up thinking this is a safe space for misdirection. It's a common Leftist tactic, my man, to try and redirect and shit up threads with information that has ZERO basis in the questions asked. Want to know how to make yourself look suspect, you just did it, sweetcheeks.
I been here alot longer than that bud, dont let that shit fool ya....besides wtf does it really even matter?
It doesn't, but you are being such a great sport. Keep going.
Stupid fucking question, by someone that is cluesless......again fuck off
Oh, so asking for gatekeeped information is wrong? Are you SURE you're in the right place? Your responses seem to veer towards that which would seem otherwise. As I said, you keep going.
So smart, you should be able to find everything you are looking for....on youtube and all them other sites you rely on.....Keep us informed will ya?
And all you've done is give non relevant information and been insulting. This isn't facebook, you don't get to use it as such. This is an information hub first and foremost. The memes you see, they are the fluff from the actual meat. You haven't been doing this long, that I can tell. Your skin is way to thin for that. Look, harden up and stop leading with your emotions. You're losing this argument by continuing it, but, it's a free world as far as I'm concerned, so please continue if you wish to continue your tantrum.
And you have managed to ask a stupid question, that you were to lazy to research yourself. Then you were insulting, then resort to about other cheerleading something, when you are here cheerleading youtube, and whatever othert bs you visit....I will not waste my time to even talk about this further with you....I dont really care...i'm not the one here asking the question.
Dude, you haven't even learned how to respond to a single thread. You're responding to me all over the OP. Irregardless, I did look and found little to no information on the actual question I asked. You are just a wannabe tough guy who thinks they know this community, but don't realize you've made yourself a LOLcow in the process. Are you SURE you aren't a Marxist twat? Nobody on this side of the fence could be this fucking stupid, could they?
So tell us about how great Youtube is chinafaggot
Youtube is great for keeping track of the enemy. Chinafaggot. Can't say I've ever been called that one before. Congrats. Anyway, you keep on trucking, it's getting amusing now.