SUNDAY SELF-IMPROVEMENT DAY: Have you made any life changes thanks to the Great Awakening? What were they, and why? What prompted you to do it?

Why is this stickied? Because, I'm a bit shy to admit, I'm 34 days sober today. Longest period in 30 years, I'd say. Why? Hope no one laughs, but I want to be ready to stand when this all goes down. I want to remember these days and savour them on some level. And I have people around me who are dead asleep. I can actually need my best self. I can't let them down. And, truth be told, it's why I'm working so hard here. This place matters. YOU guys matter. You're the wave, the bleeding edge. We are a powerful weapon! And I need to be SHARP. We all do! Time to lead by example. For all of us! We are only a FORCE when we're working together.
Anyway, since it's Sunday and we're still waiting for the audit to drop, I thought I'd open it up. I would genuinely like to hear how some of you are stepping out and maybe doing little (or big) things differently. Cheers.
I like the serenity prayer reference in conjunction with the space ship. I'm 17 years sober and wish you the best of luck. You're in for a bumpy ride but if you can keep the faith and stay strong, you'll get through it. 12 steps and one day at a time.
That is a wonderful reply. I hope you can continue to take care of your health and heal from whatever issues have plagued you in the past. I just found out that I have some health problems that were unknown to me, but this is making me take a long, hard look at what I an do to reverse it. And that includes, (shudder) exercise!! I guess. Yikes!!
Kick ass, man! We DO need you! We need each other! Anything we can do to stand tall for each other makes us brothers. When you fight the bottle, you are also fighting to be there for all of us--and that means you are fighting the bottle for me. Thank you for that.
Your sobriety is a powerful gift to the world. Use it to do great things and to see great things done in others!
I seem to recall that it was an alcoholic former fighter pilot who went sober to fight for his country and his children and ended up saving the entire planet from an alien invasion. You have great things ahead of you as well!
Stay strong, keep praying, and stay sober, if not for yourself then for us! Thank you for everything you do here, and know that many of us will be adding you to our prayers!
I'm on day 12. Looking to keep this going indefinitely. One day at a time. Time to treat my body like the temple and gift from God that it is.
Good luck to you sir