SUNDAY SELF-IMPROVEMENT DAY: Have you made any life changes thanks to the Great Awakening? What were they, and why? What prompted you to do it?

I've started a blog, formerly Patreon (removed without notice for what I post elsewhere, believe it or not) and now on [another site] where I bring news to folks who never will go to the research boards on their own.
My FB used to have personal things on it, and now it's simply an outlet for truth memes.
What prompted me? The upswelling of hope at the advent of Q posts, that we really aren't completely lost with no apparent hope of ridding this planet of cabal control...the mission of empowering the Human collective ~ leading to Human sovereignty.
Excellent. I’ve thought about blogging myself… random stuff, all pseudonym-anonymous. But hey this community has enabled me to type some ridiculous stories 😄