The people who mock anyone concerned about mercury in vaccines because "it's not pure mercury so it's safe. Not the same chemical idiot. Haha chemical names scare me so they must be bad." HATE hydroxychloroquine because "Hydroxychooroquine sounds similar to Chloroquine Phosphate and which is fish tank bleach, why are you idiot magas drinking fish tank bleach?"
They would be alright if they had even a pinch of self awareness, but they don't so instead they are incredibly annoying to deal with
RFK Jr. addressed this in his interview with Luke Storey.
I asked them the same question, which is, how can you tell pregnant women not to eat tuna fish?
Because there's mercury in tuna fish. And at the same time, you're giving them vaccines, flu vaccines and DTaP vaccines that contain huge loads of mercury, much higher, over 100 times what the EPA says is safe. And none of them can answer that question. Paul Offit finally told me, well, he said to me, Bobby—and Paul Offit, my inclination was to like—he told me, I got into public health because your father, I love your family and all this, my inclination was to like the guy, then I started asking questions and I could tell he was either lying or he just was unfamiliar with the science, but maybe he was lying.
And on that particular question, he said to me, kind of in a patronizing, well, Bobby, the thing is that there are two kinds of mercury. There's a good mercury and a bad mercury. And the good mercury is, the ethylmercury in vaccines is good mercury because your body excretes it immediately. And the methylmercury infection is bad. And I knew, at that time, immediately, that, that is not true. His argument was not with me, it was the periodic tables because there's no such thing as good mercury.
The people who mock anyone concerned about mercury in vaccines because "it's not pure mercury so it's safe. Not the same chemical idiot. Haha chemical names scare me so they must be bad." HATE hydroxychloroquine because "Hydroxychooroquine sounds similar to Chloroquine Phosphate and which is fish tank bleach, why are you idiot magas drinking fish tank bleach?"
They would be alright if they had even a pinch of self awareness, but they don't so instead they are incredibly annoying to deal with
RFK Jr. addressed this in his interview with Luke Storey.
That is true, but there is bad mercury and WORSE mercury. So there's that. But all mercury is bad for the human body.