posted ago by yudsfpbc ago by yudsfpbc +23 / -0

If you run the math, it's really easy to see that the death rate of people WITH covid isn't significant. Sure, it's a little high, but it is not near the tradition top killers.

If you do a little more math, you'll find out it's pretty much only really old people or people who are already very sick are dying from it. They don't publish the "number of years lost", which takes into account the fact that some people who die from disease were going to die from something soon anyway. But the fact that it ran rampant through nursing homes, where we typically put the most infirm as they await their deaths, is telling.

In fact, looking closely at the numbers, you'll see that covid behaves almost entirely like a bad cold. It is a coronavirus (one of the types of viruses that cause the cold) and it mutates quickly and it's highly virulent but not very dangerous.

In fact, if you look at the treatment protocol for covid, you see that we were killing people intentionally. Several doctors pointed this out during the height of the hype of the pandemic. When people come into a hospital having breathing issues, there is a protocol they used to follow, and they could usually get those patients back to good health and back home. The new protocols give them drugs that make it worse and then stick a tube down their throat and inflate their lungs.

Ask yourself this: How many people died from covid at home? It just doesn't happen.

Even ask yourself this: How many people do you know, personally, that died of covid? I know LOTS of people who tested positive, but no one in my circle that I know that died of it. Sure, there's like 1 or 2 people that I've never met that people on the edge of my friend network say that died of covid. One was a very old man. Another was morbidly obese and very old.

That's pretty much all you need to know about covid. If you get sick, don't go to the hospital. Don't even bother getting tested. Just treat it like a bad cold. Eat your chicken noodle soup. Get some rest. Take some vitamins. Get plenty of fresh air and sunlight. If you're not sick, exercise, eat healthy, and get plenty of fresh air and sunlight. You know, be healthy.

Let's talk a little about vaccines. You may have heard the phrase "cure for the common cold". This has two meanings: One, if you can develop a cure for the common cold, you would be an outright hero. The common cold is annoying, it can't be prevented, and it spreads like wildfire every year. Two, those claiming they have the cure for the common cold are lying to you. They are selling snake oil, which is not effective except in lining the pockets of the salesman.

What are vaccines, how do they work? Vaccines are a weakened form of the disease, and it's supposed to "train" your body to recognize the disease, so that when you encounter it in the wild, you will hopefully be immune to it, or maybe reduce the symptoms a bit. Vaccines were never a cure, and cannot be considered a cure. We are told that if we vaccinate enough people, then the disease should disappear, because it can't spread easily.

However, there are a lot of very smart people who are questioning vaccines, and probably for good reason. One, vaccines are unnecessary when effective treatments are available. And two, vaccines are inherently dangerous and we need to inform people of that risk. Weighing the risk vs. reward will mean that some vaccines just aren't worth it. IE, if I have a 10% chance of a negative reaction to the vaccine, but only a 1% chance of getting the disease and a 90% chance of a full recovery with treatments, then the vaccine is too much risk and too little reward.

There is also the fact that modern practices make certain diseases completely irrelevant. It was a different story when we were pooping and peeing near our food and water sources. But today, that's just not the case. We have modern utilities even in the most rural areas, and even there, there are simple, cheap and effective ways of making sure your water is clean and pure.

So it's right to be highly skeptical about vaccines. They have to explain, fully, what the disease is, what treatments are available and how effective they are, as well as how dangerous the vaccines are. And they have not been doing that. And so they should be held to account.

I won't go into any more detail about the covid vaccines except to say this: Are they telling you the truth about the dangers of the disease, the treatments available, and the danger of the vaccine? If none of those are completely crystal clear, then the answer to whether you should get the vaccine is "NO". And even if they are perfectly clear, then you need to weigh the risk vs. reward. Maybe 80 year old grandpa who has diabetes will see a slight improvement in life expectancy if he takes the vaccine. Maybe 12 year old Johnny won't see a difference but will expose himself to risks he's unwilling to take. And most importantly, if we don't reach the vaccination rates to make the vaccine effective, then it's a fool's errand to even vaccinate anyone at all.

Speaking of treatments, it has come to our attention that we are not being treated for parasites as a population. Several drugs that are known to be effective at fighting parasites are hidden or outright banned for no good reason. And now we find out that the anti-parasitic drugs are actually effective at fighting the common cold?

Maybe we had the cure for the common cold all along, and it costs pennies per dose.

There are a lot of questions that need to be answered, and until then, boycotting the medical industry and relying on alternative medicines is probably your safest bet. They were not honest with us, they are not honest with us, and it's high time we held them to account.

That's what you need to know about covid.