Give me what you have. I have someone who needs to see it.
Edit: There have been several comments and a post or two, if I recall correctly about Larry elder being a Rino. If there is any information to support this, I am asking for this information to be provided here so that I can relay it to someone else.
You and other people here are getting reported. Your edit helps but it makes others look like shills if they answer. Nobody is providing evidence or defining what they call conservative. It looks like a disinformation campaign.
Got it. No, I am not intentionally giving the mods extra work. I was asking a serious question. Pedes need to realize, the deport button is not for something that hurts your feelings. We can’t remove something that challenges our worldview, we should challenge it and show proof, just like a Forensic Audit. People reporting this post want to live in a self fulfilling echo-chamber. They are same thing the complain about on the Left.