Came in here to say exactly this. For it is the truth. At this point- after following Q since 2017, reading it on the metro home after work, and watching Q move from platform to platform, then coronavirus, then losing the election, then Jan 6….I am done; laying on my back in five inches of mud I can hear the tracks of the bulldozer approaching to just bury me alive.
The camps will be for us. “Trust the plan” reminds me of that old Twilight Zone episode - “We Serve Man”.
Came in here to say exactly this. For it is the truth. At this point- after following Q since 2017, reading it on the metro home after work, and watching Q move from platform to platform, then coronavirus, then losing the election, then Jan 6….I am done; laying on my back in five inches of mud I can hear the tracks of the bulldozer approaching to just bury me alive.
The camps will be for us. “Trust the plan” reminds me of that old Twilight Zone episode - “We Serve Man”.