Without divulging my identity or business, I see in my industry that the mandatory vax places are struggling or going out of business while the businesses welcoming to all are thriving.
Here is the role you play in all of this though.
If your workplace is a jackass in regards to vaccines, find a place that isn't. Everyone is hiring. Move to a place that shares your views. And the jackasses will not be able to make money.
I think we are witnessing a great wealth transfer at the moment in regards to this, and you play a role.
The sherrif asked if I had any enemies I said I had two Trump signs out front I think it was antifa
Antifa/deep state hires burned my parents home down last summer when Q was posting those pictures about antifa larping as fire-fighters. They're lefties so I bring up "antifa burned your house down and you voted for the people who organized it" frequently when we get into politics.
I'm really sorry to hear about your trouble, OP. Thank God no one was killed or maimed!
Thanks been a weird 9 months should move in in a week fire Marshals insurance never figgered it out