Without divulging my identity or business, I see in my industry that the mandatory vax places are struggling or going out of business while the businesses welcoming to all are thriving.
Here is the role you play in all of this though.
If your workplace is a jackass in regards to vaccines, find a place that isn't. Everyone is hiring. Move to a place that shares your views. And the jackasses will not be able to make money.
I think we are witnessing a great wealth transfer at the moment in regards to this, and you play a role.
Both the lady who does my hair and the spa where I go for facials and waxing (I’m a ladypede, ok?) have said that they have had clients recently refusing to come back because they aren’t vaccinated. Both of them were initially panicked because they were afraid of losing business. Both of them are small, independent businesses. I told both to stand firm and business will grow. Since they’ve made that stand, they are growing and getting more likeminded clients. Meanwhile, the places still requiring masks are deserted. Makes you wonder how much longer they can sustain this vaccine nonsense.