posted ago by HeartofStone ago by HeartofStone +26 / -0

I looked at the reproduction rate of delta the other day. This so called “highly contagious variant” is literally no more contagious than the previous strains that peaked after the initial lockdown. In fact, in my state the reproduction rate has been well below 1 for weeks which means the virus is in decline and is no longer very infectious. Even when it was above 1 is was never worse than any other spike in cases. We’ve burned thru the delta. This got me to thinking about how in May or June the cdc said that hospitals should only report unvaccinated cases. Not long after that the mask mandates for the vaccinated were reinstated. I think they are trying to hide that there is indeed antibody dependent enhancement and we are beginning to see the tip of the iceberg. Just MHOP. I’m no scientist, but speculating on some curious things.