Ironically, this has a deeper meaning. The US. tried for 20 years to defeat a few thousand goat herders and failed because of leadership. What do they think will happen, when they attempt tp disarm 100 Million honest Armed American Patriots? Americans OWN America and this Liberal/communist Coup is chasing a very large bear, with a small stick.
Dang it, great meme! And it's too bad I had to stop to compliment it when I was coming to make a silly joke about being "all for controlling the huns". ;)
Ironically, this has a deeper meaning. The US. tried for 20 years to defeat a few thousand goat herders and failed because of leadership. What do they think will happen, when they attempt tp disarm 100 Million honest Armed American Patriots? Americans OWN America and this Liberal/communist Coup is chasing a very large bear, with a small stick.
Atilla got guns?
Typo. The h is next to the g.
Shame. I'd like to see Atilla the Hun take on some Libtards.
Dang it, great meme! And it's too bad I had to stop to compliment it when I was coming to make a silly joke about being "all for controlling the huns". ;)
typo unintended.
Oh but you WILL hear it, loud and irrationally and screaming. Facts don't touch liberals, it's all about the feelz.
I thought this was an anti Chinese post, but upon further reading, it is still valid....
typo unintended, but turned into a Freudian slip.
I like it, it kills two with one stone....
I honestly thought this was about "hun" control