Q is clearly connected to Trump as he has tipped his hat to Q subtly plenty of times. The only question is whether or not Trump is secretly a deepstate asset. That's really the only argument one could make in that regard. It's not as simple as "commie disinformation" if it is some kind of psyop. It's clear that weird things are going on even if Q is a psyop.
Yeah I came to a point of at least wanting one side to follow through on their accusations even if it was the bad guys. Trumps pardons at the end of his term and the whole platinum plan thing just seems like Trump's policies are no different from the status quo. We don't need a platinum plan and we don't need diversity. Everyone is equal in 2021 and should be assessed on merit.
If this is a tactical move to troll your enemy, they really fucked up. It has done nothing but spur action. Either way, I fight to the death. I truly understand our forefathers mindset of give me freedom or give me death. To live in the world they wish to create is death of the soul.
Im not gonna lie here, I was onboard for a while, I had hope, however how this played out is one of their methods of torture, which is repeatedly give hope and take it away, to an individual or entire nations)
I would say its pretty clear Trump is a deep state asset. Some points with links to back this up. If you are going to only look into one of the links I suggest watching the bitchute video in point 1.
Trump before Election: "If i was president I would lock Hillary up", after election "Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely." Similar sentiments toward Obama (massive 180 in attitude after election)
It was all a very elaborate deep state play, which appears to have been to give credibility to the vaccine fro all sides, and it worked very well, Trump is by far the biggest vaccine cheer leader to this day
Side notes:
J Kushner buys 666 5th Avenue for a record breaking $ 1.8 billion (6+6+6) again in this story
Kwan Yin / Quan Yin / KANNON (or QANON ?) in the Buddhist version of the Egyptian goddess ISIS - this would definitely be how the deepstate would put their stamp on this. -> http://www.buddhas-online.com/kwanyin.html
Lastly, this is how they operate, they give out all 3 versions of the story, being:
Official story (the LIE)
The 'real' story (a misleading 'conspiracy' story with some truths to it and also misdirections) to satisfy the seeker of knowledge or seeker of truth (all of us)
The untold story (actual true story) hidden in plain site, which is only deciphered by those who know the language (those with eyes to see, or ears to hear) - all of them
Anons started to figure out more than they were supposed to
You obviously haven't been paying attention and don't know what is going on behind the scenes. President Trump was anointed by God. God knows everything. Was PDJT always a white hat, can't say that for sure, though I believe he was. I believe the stories that he was a informant at some point, possibly in the 80s. If you think this why are you here? By the way, HRC was executed back in April, well that was the report, I believe she has been gone longer than that, probably these reports are a year removed at least.
DJT was the first one to have strip clubs in his casinos, he also made hundreds of millions of dollars in profit from porn on demand in his casinos and hotels, and you are telling me he was anointed by God ? Porn is one of the biggest forces of destruction against God and his world. DJT appears on Epstein's flight logs.
Trump is pushing the vaccine and has funded bill gates directly, bill gates the eugenicist who wants to genocide 7 billion humans. If the white hats were in control vaccine mandates would have not started popping up - WORLDWIDE
We can show you hundreds of ways the elite/DS have committed Crimes Against Humanity (this bs plandemic/vaxx included) and against We The Sovereign People of the world.
You provide no real proof that GEOTUS has done anything illegal/evil. You give us outlying info that has nothing to do with GEOTUS. You insist that all hope is lost and our CIC is black hat…
I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we support President Donald John Trump, duly re-elected and soon to be sitting leader of the free world! You can continue to project and twist things but in the end, NCSWIC God wins! WWG1WGA
WWG1WGA is not just a slogan. It's a hard truth. We have to fight our battles at our level and win or the war is lost. We lose and the world falls into darkness.
I know this and so much more… I’ve been on deck from Day 2 of Q. I appreciate the clarification on WWG1WGA but I was sealing my communications with that particular stance for over four years now. God bless fren!
DJT was the first one to have strip clubs in his casinos, he also made hundreds of millions of dollars in profit from porn on demand in his casinos and hotels. He has directly funded the GAVI vaccine alliance, and he is currently pushing vaccines, which by your own statement is a crime against humanity - evil enough for you ?
No I need hard evidence not just she said/he said. Feel free to post your sauce on the board or as a reply to me. I look forward to reading some terrible truths about my President since no one else, including his most rabid enemies, could find ANY evidence of evil/crimes of ANY KIND! Proof or I’ll have you deported and blocked… SHILL!
What you type and assume is too sophisticated for a person, you copy/paste from your HQ for your 30 pieces of silver and fail on so doing it. evil enough for you??
When Q first started on 4chan, a lot of people were saying Q was a distraction from pizzagate research. I fell into that line of thought for a long time until I saw the coincidences with Trump and that Trump actually did seem to be related to Q, but that didn't necessarily mean that Trump and Q were the good guys. I appreciate the people here because they are skeptical and they want to find the truth above all else. It shows in that your comment, while having a majority dislikes, actually does have some likes to it. There are people here who are totally willing, given enough evidence, to acknowledge Trump as an enemy along with the rest of the deepstate.
The reason I don't think it's as simple as a pacification psyop is that, I don't think people were really going to act out anyway. None of us know the truth for certain, while we all seek it, and only a majority collective certainty of the truth would lead to action. This might be the reason for all the confusion around the virus and the vaccine and whether the virus even exists or if it came from a Chinese lab or if it is a psyop or if it is real but not deadly. There are so many questions without answers that without the answers to, no one really knows where to direct the fight.
I think we need, not violence, but many more on the ground researchers; people who will act as private investigators. Try to organize conversations with these alleged deepstate actors or their mutual friends. The people need their own intelligence agency.
Q is clearly connected to Trump as he has tipped his hat to Q subtly plenty of times. The only question is whether or not Trump is secretly a deepstate asset. That's really the only argument one could make in that regard. It's not as simple as "commie disinformation" if it is some kind of psyop. It's clear that weird things are going on even if Q is a psyop.
Yeah I came to a point of at least wanting one side to follow through on their accusations even if it was the bad guys. Trumps pardons at the end of his term and the whole platinum plan thing just seems like Trump's policies are no different from the status quo. We don't need a platinum plan and we don't need diversity. Everyone is equal in 2021 and should be assessed on merit.
If this is a tactical move to troll your enemy, they really fucked up. It has done nothing but spur action. Either way, I fight to the death. I truly understand our forefathers mindset of give me freedom or give me death. To live in the world they wish to create is death of the soul.
I think the action we need is more on the ground private investigators. Internet research can only get one so far.
Im not gonna lie here, I was onboard for a while, I had hope, however how this played out is one of their methods of torture, which is repeatedly give hope and take it away, to an individual or entire nations)
I would say its pretty clear Trump is a deep state asset. Some points with links to back this up. If you are going to only look into one of the links I suggest watching the bitchute video in point 1.
Church of Satans Highest degree: Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree) -> https://www.churchofsatan.com/hierarchy/
Rothschild Inc save Trump from bankruptcy 25 yrs ago (there was never a chance) -> https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2016/12/08/trump-and-his-commerce-secretary-wilbur-ross-a-look-at-25-years-of-connections/?sh=59f0efb3f820
Trump removes funding from WHO gives it directly to GAVI (Bill Gates Vaccine alliance) basically just cut out the middle man -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pV1U9s3vJ0
Trump before Election: "If i was president I would lock Hillary up", after election "Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country. I mean that very sincerely." Similar sentiments toward Obama (massive 180 in attitude after election)
It was all a very elaborate deep state play, which appears to have been to give credibility to the vaccine fro all sides, and it worked very well, Trump is by far the biggest vaccine cheer leader to this day
Side notes:
Lastly, this is how they operate, they give out all 3 versions of the story, being:
Anons started to figure out more than they were supposed to
You obviously haven't been paying attention and don't know what is going on behind the scenes. President Trump was anointed by God. God knows everything. Was PDJT always a white hat, can't say that for sure, though I believe he was. I believe the stories that he was a informant at some point, possibly in the 80s. If you think this why are you here? By the way, HRC was executed back in April, well that was the report, I believe she has been gone longer than that, probably these reports are a year removed at least.
February 28, 2017.
DJT was the first one to have strip clubs in his casinos, he also made hundreds of millions of dollars in profit from porn on demand in his casinos and hotels, and you are telling me he was anointed by God ? Porn is one of the biggest forces of destruction against God and his world. DJT appears on Epstein's flight logs. Trump is pushing the vaccine and has funded bill gates directly, bill gates the eugenicist who wants to genocide 7 billion humans. If the white hats were in control vaccine mandates would have not started popping up - WORLDWIDE
We can show you hundreds of ways the elite/DS have committed Crimes Against Humanity (this bs plandemic/vaxx included) and against We The Sovereign People of the world. You provide no real proof that GEOTUS has done anything illegal/evil. You give us outlying info that has nothing to do with GEOTUS. You insist that all hope is lost and our CIC is black hat… I don’t know if you’ve noticed but we support President Donald John Trump, duly re-elected and soon to be sitting leader of the free world! You can continue to project and twist things but in the end, NCSWIC God wins! WWG1WGA
WWG1WGA is not just a slogan. It's a hard truth. We have to fight our battles at our level and win or the war is lost. We lose and the world falls into darkness.
I know this and so much more… I’ve been on deck from Day 2 of Q. I appreciate the clarification on WWG1WGA but I was sealing my communications with that particular stance for over four years now. God bless fren!
DJT was the first one to have strip clubs in his casinos, he also made hundreds of millions of dollars in profit from porn on demand in his casinos and hotels. He has directly funded the GAVI vaccine alliance, and he is currently pushing vaccines, which by your own statement is a crime against humanity - evil enough for you ?
No I need hard evidence not just she said/he said. Feel free to post your sauce on the board or as a reply to me. I look forward to reading some terrible truths about my President since no one else, including his most rabid enemies, could find ANY evidence of evil/crimes of ANY KIND! Proof or I’ll have you deported and blocked… SHILL!
What you type and assume is too sophisticated for a person, you copy/paste from your HQ for your 30 pieces of silver and fail on so doing it. evil enough for you??
When Q first started on 4chan, a lot of people were saying Q was a distraction from pizzagate research. I fell into that line of thought for a long time until I saw the coincidences with Trump and that Trump actually did seem to be related to Q, but that didn't necessarily mean that Trump and Q were the good guys. I appreciate the people here because they are skeptical and they want to find the truth above all else. It shows in that your comment, while having a majority dislikes, actually does have some likes to it. There are people here who are totally willing, given enough evidence, to acknowledge Trump as an enemy along with the rest of the deepstate.
The reason I don't think it's as simple as a pacification psyop is that, I don't think people were really going to act out anyway. None of us know the truth for certain, while we all seek it, and only a majority collective certainty of the truth would lead to action. This might be the reason for all the confusion around the virus and the vaccine and whether the virus even exists or if it came from a Chinese lab or if it is a psyop or if it is real but not deadly. There are so many questions without answers that without the answers to, no one really knows where to direct the fight.
I think we need, not violence, but many more on the ground researchers; people who will act as private investigators. Try to organize conversations with these alleged deepstate actors or their mutual friends. The people need their own intelligence agency.
They had Hillary in deck, ready to go. With her in place, they could have slam dunked their dystopia on us, easily. Why bring in Trump?