Looking for someone to help dissect an app. Or a group effort.
I dont know how legal this is, but this is the app they are using to scan the vax passes in canada. Having a look under the hood would be cool, at the least.
if it uses wifi instead of mobile data you could just look at the traffic if your modem is good enough
Thinking out loud.
The app presumably looks to server for the information or verification.
Can a redirect be done, to local host, with a return "pass" message spoofed locally on the device?
I am a software engineer::
When you say under the hood.
Are you talking about the actual source code to the app?
I mean, any exploit that can be, well, exploited. Lol
Not WHO but WEF.
If WHO is involved here, then WEF is also involved.
The Gates/Rockefeller/WHO version is being beta tested in Estonia. It’s this product linked below, see the Citizen module.
It is based on KSI blockchain.