My only concern about the audit is that this is a game of chicken.
If I was the deep state. I would tell those who are apart of cover up.
Just don't comply with anything. Do not hand over anything.
It seems that Trump believes that public pressure is the key to victory. The problem with this mindset.
All the deepstate has to do.
Is to not comply with anything you ask them to do. They are betting that you have no PHYSICAL FORCE to make them.
I don't like physical violence or force.
But when someone doesn't comply because they know you won't do anything. What are your real options?
What am I missing?
They are already not complying or handing over shit without a court order and even then its hit and miss. Anyone who is paying attention knows the only way is the military. The audits are not going to slowly sweep the country for the next year. Sooner rather than later fire and fury will rain down on these commie fucks and its going to be glorious.