Liz Harris made an intentional mistake for the COVER of her vote canvas. ALL eyes are now on the AZ Audit. The “REAL” Audit will prove the past.
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Your link is direct. Now I want to know where that doc with the 13226 address came from,. As always. I'll wait 24-48 hours for the truth to reveal itself
I got the Sept 7th doc today. With the OP image, link was in an email for signing up for updates. 1st time link 404'd, 2nd attempt gave me 9/7 doc 11 pages.
Yup I 404'd the first time too and then received the same doc you did.
Bannon was probably given the draft a day earlier, the 7th, and was updated before the interview, the 8th without giving bannons production team the new proof read copy -.-