I’m your neighbor, moved from Maricopa County just before covid/election. Fleeing what I thought was a quickly turning purple county. We thought “yay red conservative state!”. Covid hit and Commie Kelly shut everything down, that’s when I found out we had a dem Governor. I was not happy. Still I thought, hey conservative city, one of the top 10 conservative cities in the country, at least used to be. Nope elected commie congresswoman. Except we were just flagged as a high probability for fraud county. I believe it but in the meantime wonder what crap they will throw at us. I just hope we can get something fixed before next election. County commissioners have to go. Mine is awesome though! One of the few fighting. Jealous your AG took control, I think ours is holding back because he is running for Governor.
I’m your neighbor, moved from Maricopa County just before covid/election. Fleeing what I thought was a quickly turning purple county. We thought “yay red conservative state!”. Covid hit and Commie Kelly shut everything down, that’s when I found out we had a dem Governor. I was not happy. Still I thought, hey conservative city, one of the top 10 conservative cities in the country, at least used to be. Nope elected commie congresswoman. Except we were just flagged as a high probability for fraud county. I believe it but in the meantime wonder what crap they will throw at us. I just hope we can get something fixed before next election. County commissioners have to go. Mine is awesome though! One of the few fighting. Jealous your AG took control, I think ours is holding back because he is running for Governor.