I've tried to be cordial, I've tried to present her with the actual facts. She has drank so much of the kool-aid it all falls on deaf ears and yet another day in groundhog world prrsents itself. I know in my heart we will absolutely not join in on this experiment but at the same time i have to keep her within arms reach to maybe enlighten her with somw random wisdom that just happens to be the statment that gets her off the kool-aid. Should i just keep on keeping on. PS. The kool-aid is so thick she thinks bidumb is doing a great job.
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Good luck. It's psychosis / hypnosis so you are outgunned. Facts do not matter to those with a mental disease. They're wired for emotion only and are generally a weak people. They will almost ALWAYS choose the path of least resistance. Feel good lies will win over hard truths most of the time.
Even if u may some progress they will go back that night to their msm heroin needle and it will negate any little progress you made.
Never under estimate the power of planting a seed tho. However it's also very important to be able to recognize a fence sitter and a straight up zombie, to properly manage your energy.
Doesn't matter if she gets the truth from you. In time it will be forced on her.