3 years ago I had a basal cell carcinoma removed from the left side of my face. It was traumatic. About 6 months ago I noticed an identical, scaly little growth on the right side. Same position and everything. I haven’t gotten it checked out because I really don’t want another hole in my face. Not in denial, just more like avoidance of reality.
Last week I took the horse paste prophylactically. No side effects, no worms that I could see.
Tonight, though, I noticed that the scaly spot on my right cheek is completely gone. Is it even possible that the ivermectin could have reversed the skin cancer? And so quickly (6 days)? I don’t know what to think here. Has anyone had a similar experience?
That would really make me angry, but it seems like a distinct possibility.
It took five doctors four weeks to diagnose me with a perforated appendix, even though I told the first two doctors I saw that I thought my appendix was the problem, so I know how you feel.
They might have been busy doing an in-depth analysis of your insurance coverage. Sorry docs, it happens, I've seen it.
If you had an opportunity to make 100,000 by calling a viral or parasite infection cancer would you do it? Especially if you had the backing of the trillion dollar cancer lobby promising you would never get caught because they would vouch that you were following the best available science?
No. But that's why I'm not a billionaire or even a millionaire.