3 years ago I had a basal cell carcinoma removed from the left side of my face. It was traumatic. About 6 months ago I noticed an identical, scaly little growth on the right side. Same position and everything. I haven’t gotten it checked out because I really don’t want another hole in my face. Not in denial, just more like avoidance of reality.
Last week I took the horse paste prophylactically. No side effects, no worms that I could see.
Tonight, though, I noticed that the scaly spot on my right cheek is completely gone. Is it even possible that the ivermectin could have reversed the skin cancer? And so quickly (6 days)? I don’t know what to think here. Has anyone had a similar experience?
FYI : The article mentioned above has now been retracted. Here is what it says at the top of the page:
Editor’s note: Following audience concerns over the efficacy and accuracy of the scientific methods used in the ivermectin study performed in Nigeria in 2011, the original publishing station, KTSM, issued the following correction:
FOR THE RECORD: A national story regarding Ivermectin and a study regarding its effect on men’s reproductive health that KTSM published, has been removed from our website.
Concerns over the scientific research methods, the veracity of the original, peer-reviewed report and public statements by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) saying that infertility is not a known side effect of Ivermectin all led to our editorial decision to remove the story.
Link: https://www.wfla.com/community/health/coronavirus/ivermectin-causes-sterilization-in-85-percent-of-men-study-finds/