I know many of us are feeling drained, disillusioned, dejected and down. Families splitting up, friendships falling apart, resentment, etc. Stress from work over masks and vaccinations. Some jobless. Some of us have health issues that are being ignored over mandates. Just the loneliness and solitude can be unbearable at times.
I'll admit I fall into several these categories. Not only is it easy to doom and doubt but it's rather hard NOT to. We are persecuted, maligned, lied to and lied about. I understand we are all at different levels of 'Trust the Plan' , 'PAIN', or 'Patriots are in Control' fatigue. But I think it's very important to take a moment when you are feeling low to step back relax and get your second , third, fourth wind, etc.
Stop the dooming and doubting and get back to basics. Things are NOT what they seem. That's why WE are here. Common sense dictates us over what we are told. We don't know what is going on. We just KNOW that something IS going on. Biden's phony exec orders? DC walled with barb wire? Trump just laying back and criticizing the clown show? If patriots weren't in control then Trump and his family would have already have been imprisoned or worse.
Remember, we are only awake as far as knowing SOMETHING is going on. Not what. Less than a handful of folks know what. Have FAITH that it is happening. Don't start trusting the media at this point. They are painting their version. Not what is truly going on.
I wish just saying having faith will help but I doubt it will help everyone. I personally have a child who I must be strong for. Someone who keeps me going. I fight for her. Although my spouse is on the opposing side politically I stay strong for her too. She and all like her have good hearts and believe they are doing what is right. It's not their fault that they came under that spell. They were born and educated into it by masters of how the mind works.
If you don't have that person then find them. Find the neighbor who needs help. Give to a homeless person. Just help others get through this. Everything doesn't need to be a redpill. Sometimes a shoulder helps.
W/out my few F & F that see and know what we know, boards like GA ( the original and here, CBTS, Voat ) I would have likely snapped and shacked up alongside Kaczynski long ago. Been at this shit since 9 - 11.
I always try to remember it's not about us, even tho it feels pretty personal most times. We fight for those who can't or won't. We serve as a firewall to keep them as safe as we can as we try to free their minds. It's zero sum game. If we quit we doom countless generations behind us. Think about an unchecked msm for a minute. Sheep to the slaughter.
Seeing joy and happiness on other people's faces truly gives me joy and happiness as well. We've all seen enough doom and gloom our whole lives so it's a treat when we see good things. Young couple in love, new baby smile, kids laughing and playing freely, A kind act to a stranger, etc.
True Freedom and Happiness for our fellow man is something we are yet to see. Sure I want that too, but I want to see what that looks like en masse. Brave New World ?
We are generally a good people, but we've been tricked, manipulated, and turned into many things we are not.
Remove the real sickness we have on the planet ( the cabal ) and the sky is the limit. I'd love to witness that time frame.
Could go on for days since most of man's biggest problems are all cabal created.
I especially like your point that it's not personal.