My doctor has been changed before getting my exception signed and my new OBGYN refused to complete it as she "strongly encouraged the vaxx, but will respect my decision to not get it".
At 3 months from my due date, I REFUSE to inject venom in my body and harm my baby. I will be fired by the end of the month.
Any suggestions??? I'm quite desperate 😅 because I want my medical bills to be taken care of while I'm in labor.
I cannot track my previous OBG, but I'll call my church and request a religious exception.
You don't need a church to file a religious exemption.
I wish you all the best - you shouldn't have to be jumping through all these hoops just to retain your bodily autonomy and your job simultaneously. Definitely get a hold of a lawyer though. Find either a labor/employment lawyer or a constitutional lawyer.
What's your denomination?
The majority of the Protestant denominations and the Roman Catholic Church have endorsed the vaccine, so you may not want to affiliate yourself with them.
Denomination doesn't matter for a religious exemption.