My doctor has been changed before getting my exception signed and my new OBGYN refused to complete it as she "strongly encouraged the vaxx, but will respect my decision to not get it".
At 3 months from my due date, I REFUSE to inject venom in my body and harm my baby. I will be fired by the end of the month.
Any suggestions??? I'm quite desperate 😅 because I want my medical bills to be taken care of while I'm in labor.
No matter what, DO NOT get jabbed. If you do, your baby will be stillborn, and you will be infertile after.
At this point, I wouldn't want to give birth in a hospital either. They're bullying and abusing pregnant women into getting the jab "for the safety of the nurses." It's disgusting. Hospitals and doctors and nurses have been treating pregnant and laboring women as cattle for decades. Instead of letting your body do what feels right when laboring, they pump you full of drugs and knock you out so it makes their job easier, not yours. It's not right and it's not natural.
Perhaps you don't feel comfortable with a home birth, but I would strongly recommend looking into it. You can get midwives that know far more than these heartless doctors and nurses, and you can stay in the comfort of your own home, and labor in warm water in your bathtub rather than flat on your back on a hard hospital bed, it's much more comfortable. Of course, you should have a plan in place in case something happens where you would be taken to the hospital, but for the most part I would avoid them.