Some may try to claim it is like any other corrupt city of little importance, but with the most minimal of digging, it is clearly extremely significant in their agenda.
The Truth of Racine cannot be disproved or disputed.
The Truth of Racine has withstood thousands of questions, attacks, threats and ridicule. They lash out in desperation in attempts to silence what they cannot control.
There are unlimited paths that all lead to the same Root.
Parties do not matter.
Nations and borders do not matter.
Races do not matter.
All that matters is exposing the Root to reveal the real Agenda and deny the Mark.
We cannot upvote this enough.
Some may try to claim it is like any other corrupt city of little importance, but with the most minimal of digging, it is clearly extremely significant in their agenda.
The Truth of Racine cannot be disproved or disputed.
The Truth of Racine has withstood thousands of questions, attacks, threats and ridicule. They lash out in desperation in attempts to silence what they cannot control.
There are unlimited paths that all lead to the same Root.
Parties do not matter.
Nations and borders do not matter.
Races do not matter.
All that matters is exposing the Root to reveal the real Agenda and deny the Mark.
Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.