Saw people on tumblr saying "abortion kills literally no one, it impacts no one, but covid effects everyone" blah blah blah. If abortion kills no one, then if you left the "fetus" alone for 9 months and it came out, it would be a "no one"? A nothing? The mental gymnastics these people do to justify child sacrifice must make them Olympic champions.
They seem to think that babies just exist in the ether somewhere, then they slither into a woman's womb without her knowledge and then say "swiggity swootus, this is now my uterus." They really are that dumb. Some of them truly believe that sex doesn't make babies. Like ever. I ask them "where do babies come from then?" and they either don't have an answer or they say "IVF!" and I say, but IVF didn't exist 100 years ago, so how did people get created back then? They don't have an answer but then call me a woman hater and think they won the argument. These people TRULY are mentally insane but think they're smarter than Einstein.
Saw people on tumblr saying "abortion kills literally no one, it impacts no one, but covid effects everyone" blah blah blah. If abortion kills no one, then if you left the "fetus" alone for 9 months and it came out, it would be a "no one"? A nothing? The mental gymnastics these people do to justify child sacrifice must make them Olympic champions.
They seem to think that babies just exist in the ether somewhere, then they slither into a woman's womb without her knowledge and then say "swiggity swootus, this is now my uterus." They really are that dumb. Some of them truly believe that sex doesn't make babies. Like ever. I ask them "where do babies come from then?" and they either don't have an answer or they say "IVF!" and I say, but IVF didn't exist 100 years ago, so how did people get created back then? They don't have an answer but then call me a woman hater and think they won the argument. These people TRULY are mentally insane but think they're smarter than Einstein.