The past 20-30 years has been about reducing and replacing the law enforcement agencies across every town, city and country...... with more liberal thinking officers and especially those that are political within the LEA and only care about their career..... As schools have produced more docile and disinterested pupils as the years have gone on.....
The DS has achieved a good deal of its goals in having those same pupils (educated but really indoctrinated) acting in the front line ranks of the LEA and allowing those select few chosen by the DS or its networks would now be in higher offices and positions across LEA’s everywhere..... globally.....
We are watching the culmination of Their Plan (DS) .... slightly earlier than expected for them and that is proving to be the case given their clear desperation to reach a certain higher level of vaccinated before a certain Deadline.....
We know there’s this Deadline and We know it’s a very short period time for Them (DS) purely through the clearly illogical narrative push becoming increasingly illogical yet still being pushed with a straight face......
There’s a Deadline the DS or its Democrat / RINO puppets are desperately trying to make...... Why?? 5G..?? ...... something else.... some events or actions on Their part that needs as many of us across the world vaccinated especially in Europe and USA plus of course, other large population largely Christians and White people (that’s purely my opinion based on my own anecdotal evidence) as possible to be vaccinated....?
The past 20-30 years has been about reducing and replacing the law enforcement agencies across every town, city and country...... with more liberal thinking officers and especially those that are political within the LEA and only care about their career..... As schools have produced more docile and disinterested pupils as the years have gone on.....
The DS has achieved a good deal of its goals in having those same pupils (educated but really indoctrinated) acting in the front line ranks of the LEA and allowing those select few chosen by the DS or its networks would now be in higher offices and positions across LEA’s everywhere..... globally.....
We are watching the culmination of Their Plan (DS) .... slightly earlier than expected for them and that is proving to be the case given their clear desperation to reach a certain higher level of vaccinated before a certain Deadline.....
We know there’s this Deadline and We know it’s a very short period time for Them (DS) purely through the clearly illogical narrative push becoming increasingly illogical yet still being pushed with a straight face......
There’s a Deadline the DS or its Democrat / RINO puppets are desperately trying to make...... Why?? 5G..?? ...... something else.... some events or actions on Their part that needs as many of us across the world vaccinated especially in Europe and USA plus of course, other large population largely Christians and White people (that’s purely my opinion based on my own anecdotal evidence) as possible to be vaccinated....?