Jumping Ship?
I work in the federal gov't. One of my duties is to review and sign off on offboarding requests. It's not unusual to go through periods where there are sporatic large numbers of people clearing. Usually students rotating out. But over the last few days these offboardings have been almost non-stop. Sh!tloads of people leaving, and not just students. Professionals, credentialed, non-credentialed, steady stream. Can't help but wonder if many aren't a result of the unconstitutional jab mandate?
The way it works in the private sector, if the company is smart they'll make an offer for you to leave voluntarily. They know firing you could be very expensive so they'll try to cajole you into quitting. If you don't, they'll make sure you never get a raise or promotion. At some point you'll get so fed up that you'll leave. In the Government, they'll do everything to get you to leave voluntarily. Any jobs that are unfilled will go to the Dem family and friends who will gladly kick back a percentage of their pay either to the "big man" or whoever is running and is responsible for their hire. Everyone wants the retirement package, especially low lifers that couldn't get a job on the outside. Kicking back a big piece of their salary is the cost of getting the retirement deal.