These mandates on private companies are BS and they will soon extend them if we allow them!! Fight back and pray!! Our freedoms depend on it!!✝️🇺🇸🗽
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People had herd immunity from the common cold long ago. The scamdemic has duped people.
Gov Desantis in Florida just talked about natural immunity during a speech today and asked why we weren’t considering this and that these folks shouldn’t be punished by losing jobs for not taking jab.
Also today, someone on CNN cites an Israeli study proving natural immunity was far superior to vaccine and asked him why natural immunity isn’t being considered and why you would still push a vaccine on us..? My doctor tested my blood for antibodies and found them even though several rapid tests and PCR crap were all negative.
Seems just today the topic was brought up. But why so long? Common sense would tell you that taking a vaccine after already gaining natural immunity is like closing the barn door after the horse has bolted!
Well, you get an extra serving of straw.
Pssss, there's not such thing as herd immunity.
This term came out of the veterinarian market that was used to get farmers and ranchers to vaxxinate all their herd animals. So successful was the marketing campaign, the vaccine industry adopted it to get more people vaccinated.
Let me emphasize, there is NO such thing as 'herd immunity'. This is the medical Cabal's language to de-humanize you.
It is impossible for vaxxines to establish a 'boiler plate' immunity, in which one size fits all. This is crazy thinking and exemplifies the insanity of our time.
Each individual is incredibly unique and would require a myriad of tests to determine the type and quantity (if at all) of adjuvants, and other components that make up the elixir before it was to be injected. This however, would immediately put the vaxxine company out of business because of the cost.
We are all encoded with the sanctity of the image of God within us. We are all expressly different and unique, especially in the eyes of God. To be treated as a production part or as a herd is a violation and abomination to our Creator.
However, there is something called 'bio-individual immunity', in which each individual has an unique genetic and environmental experience to which its individual immune system has been built. No individual immune system is the same. Each individual immune system fights infections with a unique strategy. This is why people react to infections differently and with different levels of severity. This is why individual's react to vaxxines differently having a different scope of adverse reactions.
This seems like an attempt to create an anti-narrative based on their altered definition of 'herd immunity' which was literally done the night before the jab was made available.
My comment is not based on anyone else's "altered definition" of herd immunity. I am simply stating it doesn't exist. It's really all about the individual's immune system. Each immune system is unique and vastly different than the next individual. The strategy to fight infection is vastly different to each individual. This is also a major reason why individual's react differently to injections. There is no boilerplate, carbon copy immune system. This is what Germ Theory teaches. It is a terribly flawed model to fight disease, as we can historically see. Vaxxines have never benefited mankind, period. It's all a fraud.