no you didn't, you had to edit in the hyperlink because your dumbass forgot
Ask the mods if you want, I'm pretty sure edit history is available.
i was talking about the last thing, the only link that you orginally posted... with was a bunch of accounts of people claiming they "heard a guy saw something or some shit..."
You dumb fuck, the hyperlink with custom text was there the whole time. That feature has been available on message boards forever. You were literally too stupid to see the youtube icon and click on it.
The other website was literally the one I added in during the edit.
But all of that is moot because now you're demanding a completely separate video that might not even exist? Are you just making shit up? Are you going to ask for videos of aliens jumping out of the twin towers next? Just how retarded ARE you? I show you a video of molten steel and a website with lots of actual corroborating evidence from first responders and this is how you react?
Exactly how far have you gotten your head stuck up your own ass?
no, you edited the post to add the hyperlink you forgot... the only link that was there was all the supposed stories from people.
Wrong. Since you don't like stealth edits, I'll just mention that I'm adding this in here to point out how blind you are:
you know we can all see the edit tag on your post right?
I'm sorry you are legitimately too stupid to understand this, and too blind to see what was right in front of you.
i ASKED YOU for a video or pictures of the solidified pool of molten metal being craned out of the hole.
I will show you videos that exist on the internet, I will not show you videos that exist in your schizo mind. You demand the impossible and then dismiss anything else as proof that you're right when you don't get exactly what you want. You sound like a child.
Wrong. Ask the mods if you want, I'm pretty sure edit history is available.
You dumb fuck, the hyperlink with custom text was there the whole time. That feature has been available on message boards forever. You were literally too stupid to see the youtube icon and click on it.
The other website was literally the one I added in during the edit.
But all of that is moot because now you're demanding a completely separate video that might not even exist? Are you just making shit up? Are you going to ask for videos of aliens jumping out of the twin towers next? Just how retarded ARE you? I show you a video of molten steel and a website with lots of actual corroborating evidence from first responders and this is how you react?
Exactly how far have you gotten your head stuck up your own ass?
Wrong. Since you don't like stealth edits, I'll just mention that I'm adding this in here to point out how blind you are: <---- This was the link I edited in you actual retard. 😂😂😂 Along with a tag pointing out the original link you missed.
I'm sorry you are legitimately too stupid to understand this, and too blind to see what was right in front of you.
I will show you videos that exist on the internet, I will not show you videos that exist in your schizo mind. You demand the impossible and then dismiss anything else as proof that you're right when you don't get exactly what you want. You sound like a child.