486 So Let Me Ask (media.gab.com) posted 3 years ago by undine53 3 years ago by undine53 +488 / -2 147 comments share 147 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Explain why WTC 7, if damaged in that bottom corner, and were to fall, did not topple, and instead came straight down? Unexplainable without demolition or at least explosives.
Cameras: who knows what's on it except those who have seen it.
PA flight 93 debris field? yes.. it's massive /s
More misdirection. floors 1-80 were built to hold the upper floors up. no fire was there, no fuel was there. why would they suddenly give way?
emergency crew was supposedly scrambled.
you're assuming that. people were promoted, and evidence points to it's likely they knew what was going on beforehand.
the question was why not Saudi Arabia. 'iraq is doing something we don't like so we went there instead' isn't valid.
(you're horrible at this)