OK Those are fighting words! I am a strong conservative, but I am the crazy herbal non doctor going nut who eats strange herbs. I had an alternative doctor who mysteriously died before the vaccine rolled out. Rumor has it that he was killed. And I do have a stockpile of D3, Pycnogenol ( better than C) and Zinc. You'll get no complaint from me that people are learning about nutrition being the key to staying healthy. Big Pharma is behind the education of our doctors, and the propaganda that the herbs and roots are crazy stuff. They can't make money if we remain healthy, so they teach the "cut and drug" method and literally farm us for their money in surgery and drugs as they torture us with Chemo and other barbaric treatments.. They have no remorse.
OK Those are fighting words! I am a strong conservative, but I am the crazy herbal non doctor going nut who eats strange herbs. I had an alternative doctor who mysteriously died before the vaccine rolled out. Rumor has it that he was killed. And I do have a stockpile of D3, Pycnogenol ( better than C) and Zinc. You'll get no complaint from me that people are learning about nutrition being the key to staying healthy. Big Pharma is behind the education of our doctors, and the propaganda that the herbs and roots are crazy stuff. They can't make money if we remain healthy, so they teach the "cut and drug" method and literally farm us for their money in surgery and drugs as they torture us with Chemo and other barbaric treatments.. They have no remorse.