Daniel 7:25 KJV And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
So why would the beast want to change times and laws? To keep us from the Holy Days of our Lord.
Leviticus 23:3 KJV Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings.
The seventh day of the week is Saturday. And, according to the times set by our Lord, it begins on Friday at sunset. Nothing in the scriptures points to a midnight start of the day. There is nothing Holy about Sun Day.
Matthew 28:1 KJV In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. 6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
We are so far removed from the times and laws of our One True God that people look at this scripture and believe the Sabbath to be Sun Day, a pagan roman day of the week worshipped by the heretics that rule over us.
Matthew 24:24 KJV For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
I was once deceived, believing the Birthday of Christ to be 12/25. Now I know that 12/25 is saturnalia, a pagan sun worshipping holiday. What else do we not know because we just trust in these adherents of satan? Look at what they’ve done recently with BC/AD being perverted into bce/ace.
And why does it matter? For the same reason the doctrines of men and their false religions keep you from a personal relationship with your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. These things are the very definition of the antichrist.
One good example out of the many I could choose from; How many of us keep the Passover? Christ did not do away with the Passover, He observed it with the disciples as the Last Supper. He changed the Sacraments of it from the blood of the lamb to His Blood, the wine. This should be one of our Holy Days but we’ve been led away from it. By evil.
When are going to take our times and laws back, away from the evil ones? We give them this power over us, how can expect anything else but the evils that they currently perpetrate upon us?
What do you think is happening right now every day. People are living in torment worldwide, because of these vaccine passports, and Covid draconian measures. Satan’s having a field day right now. However Jesus does win in the end, but in the meantime… People are suffering suffering
Every time in the Old Testament that the Lord turns away from the people, and sends His wrath among them, it is because they turned away from Him. Every time He repents of the wrath He sent, it is because the people repented of their evil ways and turned back to Him. We don't have to suffer, like we are, if we would just call His Name.
This is the worst excuse I ever hear from people. Yes that is true for the Old Testament, but Jesus came to fulfill the law.
On that note, there are way more Christians in this country than there are non-Christians. It’s just that the non-Christian to the ones that screech the loudest.
I am personally part of two women’s prayer groups, Bible study groups, go to church twice a week, read my Bible every day, and I know many many many other people that do as well. What about us? What about those who are following the Lord? Why do we have to suffer along with the unbelievers?
When do our prayers become more important than the sins of other evil people.???
I’m tired of hearing this premise, that United States is an evil country. It is not! Twitter is A psychological operation full of Chinese bots - it is meant to give the impression or the idea that liberals are out there fighting for social justice, and most of those accounts are fake.
The only reason people were out in the street last summer rioting and fighting for social justice, it’s because they were paid to do it! Or, because they were only taking about it of a situation to be looters and steal what they wanted.
You’re not an evil nation, yes there are some people here that are evil, just like an every generation, and any every situation, and in every country.
The majority of the people in this country loved the United States of America, love the Lord our God Jesus Christ, and our God-fearing praying people. She don’t give me this BS about us all being in soon, and we all need to repent, and we all need to do this or that.
I know for a fact I’m doing it, and I know hundreds if not thousands of people within our family or our church groups in our Bible study groups that are all doing the same thing. And I’m just one person - with a circle of 1000. We love Jesus, we pray, we go to church, and we try to live good lives.
If I have to hear one more time on this platform… It’s all because we’ve send that were suffering now, I’m going to vomit. It’s a big fat lie from Satan himself. So stop spreading it
I totally hear you, I’m a Christian as well and I’m currently part of a prayer group. To be honest with you, one of the things that really frustrates me about other Christians right now as people really don’t seem to know what’s going on (that we’re fighting a spiritual & physical war). I feel like this is like the only place I can come with like-minded people anywhere. In our prayer group and other prophets/ prayer leaders we listen to, it’s often discussed how much the United States has fallen. I’m not trying to disagree with you but just to offer another perspective, we’ve basically let evil reign unchecked for decades, babies being murdered through abortion, liberalism and leftism raining which allows men to be women and kids to change gender. All of this evil is an abomination to the Lord. As Christians in this country (who I don’t believe outnumber the non-Christians at this point), we are the ones diligently seeking him, doing Bible study, attending church, and praying for this nation. If we are truly the hands and feet of Jesus in this country, we need to be helping to bring his kingdom here on this earth not just in the United States but around the world (think of the Lord’s prayer, “your kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven”). God has left what is called a remnant right now which is the faithful followers of him who are praying and seeking for His will to be done here on earth. I do believe we are going to see a great awakening it is actually already here it’s just what we’re living through is also a spiritual battle. So don’t lose heart! God will deliver us from this evil I firmly believe it as do many others.
Yep, I just think of Joshua, leading his army to victory after decisive victory. And then one of his soldiers keeps some plundered gold for himself, burying it in the floor of his tent. Joshua's army loses the next battle they fight.
I also know that it is God's Will to try us, to reveal what kind of people we truly are.
What a great post. Just remember this… When you stand before the Lord, you will hear well done good and faithful servant! Thank you for standing with me and for the Lord. He does win, he has one, and we will too when we finally pass into the heavenly realms. For now we suffer. But hopefully soon it will all be over with!
Satan has been trying to kill people since the garden. Isn’t that what he did to Adam and eve instantly. He said that they would be like God, but when they eat of the apple they literally became mortal and died.
As long as Satan is on this planet, he will continue to try and kill people because we are made in the image of God and he hates us.
Not everyone is saved on this planet, or knows who God is. If Satan can get those people to die before they except Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, he will have more people and he’ll to torment for eternity.
There’s nothing new under the sun… This generation will be vaccines, pesticides, whatever else that these luciferin satanic people will come up with.
Also he likes to watch believers suffer. He relishes in that. So even though many of us may not die during this time, we have to live in torment, and the threat of losing our lives and livelihoods. Satan loves that
Always remember he hates us because were made in his image, and because he knows he’s going to hell for eternity he wants to take as many people, or souls, with him.
We have to remember that we are the winners to Christ Jesus, Satan is a loser, he always will be, and there’s nothing he can do about that. Not one thing! But in the mean time.,.
Satan hates us because we are made in God's Image and will occupy a piece with Him he can can never hope to have. Satan's motto is death to the fleshbags. He wants our population to decrease.
Spiritually, Satan loves rituals and getting people hung up on days and ceremonies. The New Testament is clear that a BORN AGAIN believer is past all that stuff. Our bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit and the law in contained the Golden Rule.
The New Testament is clear that a BORN AGAIN believer is past all that stuff.
With respect and in love, I must disagree. I use the "Lord's Prayer" as an example.
Matthew 6:9 KJV After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Two things, first, "after this manner." What Jesus told us is HOW we should pray to the Father, not that we should copy His exact Words and chant them over and over again (personal relationship?) If you look closely, each line has a different purpose, which leads to point #2.
The FIRST thing that Jesus told us to do was praise the Father. Hallowed be Thy Name. This is foundational of our belief You shall know that I am the Lord. Every knee shall bow. At the very least, we should set aside one day a week. I'm just as guilty of transgressing this as everyone else is (save the devout) and I fear no retribution for it.
But when I look upon the abominations we live under, I'm wondering if He is really that pleased with us.
The Lord's Prayer is model for us to follow for sure. It keeps our prayer life on track. That's why He says "after this manner."
I don't do chants because they become vain. I aim for authentic prayer as I'm led day in and day out. When something is taking my peace, I stop and ask Him to help me. When I'm worried, I cast it on Him. His yoke is easy and His burden light. Seek to labor into His Rest. The flesh loves protocols and procedures, and it's hard to put that away, a labor if you will. For those sealed in His Spirit, there is no condemnation for God only sees His Son. But they have an access that surpasses the Old Testament ways and is continual. I can't imagine seeing aside just one day when every day is full of His mercies.
Satan is going to do his thing, but those who love Truth on the Earth will be set free.
To hurt God. The spiritual battle rages.