FBI Releases Newly Declassified Document On 9/11 Saudi Link
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Hopefully this will help facilitate the fall of the "House of Saud (6+++)"
Trump already took out the house of Saud
The crown prince is Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud.
Do I need to explain that the house of Saud can be taken out as a threat while a member of the house of Saud sits in power?
I don't like explaining things to obtuse people, if you don't believe Q what are you doing here?
I am not an OG Q follower. I have been on this site since Jan though. And I have read/watched all the links that I asked for before.
So I don't feel very strongly about this, but if you really want to know what I believe at the moment, here goes. I believe that there is a cabal that manipulates world events on a grand scale and that the cabal's origins run back to around the turn of the 20th century.
I believe that whatever original plan Q was referring to failed. I don't believe the current state of affairs is what anyone fighting the cabal would have planned. I hope that there is a new plan, and that's the main reason why I continue to (mostly) lurk here.
So far as Saudi Arabia, it's quite clear that the House of Saud is still in power. Al Saud literally means House of Saud. lol So with regard to that Q post that I've seen before, I suspect that the "4 families" were not 4 literal families. At least that's my take on it.
But either way, whether they were 4 literal families or 4 cabal networks that Q metaphorically referred to as families, I don't think that one of them was the House of Saud because the House of Saud is quite clearly still ruling Saudi Arabia. I believe that what Q is saying is that the 4th "family" that was taken out was controlling the House of Saud, presumably through those Saudis who were taken out by Mohammed bin Salman in 2017.
Last, but far from least, I believe that the whole "these people are stupid" line is extremely dangerous. The people who run the world are many things (evil, corrupt, etc) but stupid is certainly not one of them. Underestimating your enemy is a surefire way to lose. If Q really believed that then there's a good chance that's why the plan evidently failed. But more likely it means something else, and people are now commonly using it in a way different than what Q intended.
So there you go. I don't feel any great need for anyone to agree with me, but that's what I believe.