Yeah my father in law, lord rest his soul, was a mason. Very low level. We kinda treaded lightly on the mason subject but he did admit that there’s a lot of masons in high positions and that there could be a cabal of masons trying to run things. He couldn’t see the satanism in it. He was all “it’s based on the knowledge of Solomon and his temple”. Like I know Solomon was one of gods chosen or whatever but, like David, he wasn’t the greatest person ever. In fact, he had the ability to command demons until he was eventually driven mad by one.
He did have a whole mason burying thing, it was very…ritualistic. I just don’t understand how ppl don’t see the underlying satanism in things. Even the Catholic Church. The Bible never calls for all this ritualism, after the new convenient, and there’s a reason for that. At some point the ritual becomes more important than the infinite being you’re worshiping. Its happened over and over again.
It's based on Qabballah/Hermeticism/Luciferianism (the gnostic knowledge introduced to Eve in the Garden of Eden by Satan) probably know this, though.
I will watch all those Bc I love to learn, and I do agree that tradition is spoken of, however to me the Catholic Church, as well as many other churches, have crossed the line to idolatry.
Idk what those videos will show me, but I’ve had the feeling the Catholic Church was infiltrated long ago.
They WERE infiltrated! That's what the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita is about: Freemasons targeting the Pope.
Satan goes where the power is.
Satan is trying to destroy the church that Christ established.
He won't be able to but that doesn't stop him from trying.
Infiltration doesn't negate the fact that Christ established the Church and it is the one true faith.
Adam Weisthaupt was a Catholic...and a crypto Jew. Read about crypto Jews and the Catholic church. They falsely convert and try to destroy the church from within. Check out E Michael Jones' "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit".
Yeah my father in law, lord rest his soul, was a mason. Very low level. We kinda treaded lightly on the mason subject but he did admit that there’s a lot of masons in high positions and that there could be a cabal of masons trying to run things. He couldn’t see the satanism in it. He was all “it’s based on the knowledge of Solomon and his temple”. Like I know Solomon was one of gods chosen or whatever but, like David, he wasn’t the greatest person ever. In fact, he had the ability to command demons until he was eventually driven mad by one.
He did have a whole mason burying thing, it was very…ritualistic. I just don’t understand how ppl don’t see the underlying satanism in things. Even the Catholic Church. The Bible never calls for all this ritualism, after the new convenient, and there’s a reason for that. At some point the ritual becomes more important than the infinite being you’re worshiping. Its happened over and over again.
It's based on Qabballah/Hermeticism/Luciferianism (the gnostic knowledge introduced to Eve in the Garden of Eden by Satan) probably know this, though.
Time out. Tradition is spoken of and the Catholic church has been the #1 target of Freemasonry since forever -
What you probably "know" about Catholicism was presented to you by the #1 enemy of the Church. Consider that. - Catholic Church vs Freemason’s NWO
If you like to learn...
I will watch all those Bc I love to learn, and I do agree that tradition is spoken of, however to me the Catholic Church, as well as many other churches, have crossed the line to idolatry.
Idk what those videos will show me, but I’ve had the feeling the Catholic Church was infiltrated long ago.
They WERE infiltrated! That's what the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita is about: Freemasons targeting the Pope.
Satan goes where the power is.
Satan is trying to destroy the church that Christ established.
He won't be able to but that doesn't stop him from trying.
Infiltration doesn't negate the fact that Christ established the Church and it is the one true faith.
Adam Weisthaupt was a Catholic...and a crypto Jew. Read about crypto Jews and the Catholic church. They falsely convert and try to destroy the church from within. Check out E Michael Jones' "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit".
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
speaking of revolutions and history: