I saw some university professor make a comment to an article about how the drop in flu cases last year was due to all the covid safety protocols. I checked him out and here is info from his bio, which I'm sure he wrote: PhD in radioastronomy and microwave spectroscopy and degrees in chemistry, chemical engineering, and physics. He is boundary-crossing, multi-skilled lateral thinker with unusually broad, highly relevant formal academic training in multiple scientific disciplines. He has developed strong scientific capabilities that allow him to find novel solutions to complex problems. So I sent him an email about it and here is the exchange:
Me: I saw your comment on the miraculous drop in flu cases last year. You were being sarcastic, correct? Clearly the drop in flu cases was due to flu being classified as covid. Love to hear your reason for posting the comment, if it was really you.
Him: No the 99% drop was for influenza not COVID (it is easy to tell them apart with PCR), due to lack of overseas flights to Australia (borders still closed) stopping seeding from other countries, social distancing, mask wearing, movement restriction, hand washing etc. The same drop in flu happened in winter this year just passed, when COVID cases were also extremely low. They are increasing now with the highly infectious delta strain but our vaccination rates are increasing rapidly so we should not get a massive new wave of COVID infections hopefully. We should then see an opening up of society and the economy and COVID cases and deaths will be almost entirely in those who choose not to be vaccinated.
Me: The PCR test does not distinguish between the various viruses (cold, flu, covid). Did you know the inventor of the PCR test loudly warned that it should not be used for diagnostic purposes? ( Kary Mullis, now dead, but you can read about him here: PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis Tells the Truth About the Flawed COVID-19 Test | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (stateofthenation.co)) Do you really think the same measures that are supposed to decrease covid, and don't, would decrease flu to a level that it could be considered absent? If you do, I have a few shares left of my Brooklyn Bridge stock to sell :) As an educated man, and a scientist?, I'm surprised you have been sucked in by the propaganda put out by Fauci, CNN, Democrats, leftist newpapers, etc., etc. Based on that, you probably think there is "Man-made Climate Change" :)
Enjoy your covid clot-shot side effects, which are yet to be known as far as long-term side effects go. Perhaps you didn't even know that the covid shots alter the RNA of EVERY cell in your body! You really should get out from the propaganda umbrella.
Oh, and you need to see what is happening in Israel, one of the most covid-shotted (it's not a vaccination) locations in the world (rampant covid infections despite all the clot shots), compared to Sweden, where natural "herd immunity" was allowed to occur, and their covid infections are down to minimal levels.
I truly do wish you well, because you, like so many people in our country, have been persuaded (I would use the term "brain washed" but that gets people in an uproar) to believe all that the Main Stream Media and medical establishment puts out. So it's not really your fault, but as a scientist, is actually is, because you should have the ability to look beyond the propaganda and lies.
Him: Sorry I’m blocking you. I don’t have time for crazy conspiracy theories not based on science.
So, like virtually all leftists I have dealt with, they cut and run. It's like they lose all common sense! I thought this guy, as a proven scientist, would be able to break free from the leftist propaganda, but their lifetime of absorbing it apparently has too strong an effect on them. I thought for sure he would comment on the PCR test info, but he thinks it's a conspiracy theory that the inventor of it condemned its use for virus identification? If a scientist is this hard to get through to, I think it will be very difficult to get through to the masses.
In my experience, the trouble with inferred is that it's easily ignored, especially by someone who is on the opposite side of your position to begin with.
"Do you really think the same measures that are supposed to decrease covid, and don't, would decrease flu to a level that it could be considered absent? " is what I said, so I thought it was basically asking the same thing.