Historical societies that existed at the time before the takeover were the real deal, they were authentic and when approached to come on board with the new system they said no. So with universities around the country already having Rockefeller funding and men on their boards, and k-12 classrooms they just created their own history and controlled narrative. Funding for real historians dried up, voila, no opposition. Not just history, science too. Hundreds of millions of Americans are indoctrinated and victimized by "teachers" in "schools" with propaganda, and very rarely ever recognize it.
Actual history Historical Societies were washed out of existence too..
This is new info for me. Please ELIF.
Historical societies that existed at the time before the takeover were the real deal, they were authentic and when approached to come on board with the new system they said no. So with universities around the country already having Rockefeller funding and men on their boards, and k-12 classrooms they just created their own history and controlled narrative. Funding for real historians dried up, voila, no opposition. Not just history, science too. Hundreds of millions of Americans are indoctrinated and victimized by "teachers" in "schools" with propaganda, and very rarely ever recognize it.