Does anybody else feel like this? I feel SO hampered by this. I see stories from all over the country and all over the globe everyday but I have NO idea what's happening in my own state. How can I help when I don't even know what's going on?
There is a simple solution to this. I already suggested it to the mods over on and I just barely submitted the same to the mods here but I think it's so important I'm posting about it as well.
We should require all posters to categorize their posts as either "World", "Nation", or "State" (with a drop-down of all 50 states). That way, when we come to the main board, we can sort accordingly.
I want to make a difference but I live in Utah. I'm not going to fly out to North Carolina to protest a grocery store or a high school teaching CRT. I would gladly drive all over my state for things like that though. I just don't know where they're happening.
I would also love to be able to organize protests of that sort, but how do I ensure that fellow Patriots in Utah even hear my voice when its getting drowned out by all the national narratives?
I really, really, really think we need this feature. On all the .win sites. Hopefully the mods here can jump on that and be the first to lead the pack.
Our country needs us. But it all starts at the local level. So let's enable that.
I'm not saying that's not a good idea. I'm saying it would be better if we could crowdsource those efforts here, where we can talk to each other, and mobilize.