Coincidence? Maricopa County Attorney take leave of absence just as Audit is delivered to Arizona Senate.
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She is going into hiding. She flipped.
She cannot flip. Attorney-client privilege.
privilege doesn't cover felonies, fraud etc I'm pretty sure
A/C Privilege does cover crimes that have already been committed (if it didn't, no defendant would be able to speak freely with his/her attorney to build a defense) but it does not cover the furtherance of a crime or fraud, nor does it cover the post-commission cover up of a crime. So if this attorney even slightly assisted with any post-commission cover up of any crime, the privilege is waived and she can "flip." (Not saying she did or didn't in this case, but it is technically possible based on the exceptions to A/C Privilege.)
Lol, thanks handshake. You just said what I wanted to, but much more competently than I would have been able to! Appreciated and welcome aboard. 👍
There are also ways an attorney, who knows and recognizes a heinous crime on the part of their defendant, can excuse themself from representation in a way that says, "I know this person is so guilty and despicable that I can't continue to represent them".