Some women have reported changes to their menstrual cycle – including early or late periods – after taking a COVID-19 vaccine
In addition to delayed or early starts, some women have reported symptoms including spotting, severe cramping, heavier than usual flows and “prolonged menstruation,” the doctor added.
“No long term side effects”. …. Maybe because there’s no data Ugh!
I think there is also evidence of non-vaxxed women having issues after prolonged exposure to the vaccinated.
When I was working, I was around my boss and likely others who were vaxxed, and the few months after being around them and directly after quitting, the start of my cycle hurt like a mother. The longer I stay away from people, the better it's gotten, pain-wise. That said, it could be coincidental, as I have less stress and physical exertion otherwise, and my age.
I wouldn't rule it out for myself, but wouldn't say it's a major cause. Who knows.
My daughter is 17 and she is working towards her CNA certification. She did her clinicals at a nursing home, surrounded by vaxxed older folks for 2 days. The next month her issues started, she bleeds for 30 days, passing golf ball sized clots, very painful & her emotions are wildly out of character for her. This has been ongoing for almost 7 months now. She finally got a tincture from a naturopath doctor that stopped the bleeding finally! The month following she started, bled for 7 days, stopped for 4, started again for 5 days & since has random spotting every day. She's been taking an ovulation predictor test for 2 months solid now and has never gotten a positive. I don't know if it was the exposure to the vaxxed or not, but I'm watching what the unvaxxed are reporting to see if there is any correlation. She just completed a hormone test so I'm anxious to see the results of that. It's hard to express her emotional upheaval since her clinicals. Very drastic, suicidal & tired all the time. The exact opposite of the person she was before the issues started.
Oh my! That poor girl. I am so sorry to hear that. I hope she straightens out soon. That cannot be easy for her or you.
God bless.
Thank you for this! It is not easy & with twin 17 year old girls & me about to hit menopause, our house is....flammable! I keep telling her that she is being strengthened by the Lord now, because becoming a nurse in this country is no longer what it used to be. She is going to have to be strong and able to stand her ground & that preparation has begun. I'm terrified, but I need to be strong & trust that God's plan is divine, my plan is irrelevant. We fight, or we give up & join the ranks of the asleep!
Normalizing infertility I guess
A team of US researchers are set to conduct a lengthy study into the potential link of COVID-19 vaccines and changes in women’s menstrual cycles.
It comes as women across the world have taken to social media to share their personal accounts of changes in their menstrual cycles after receiving the shots, including irregular cycles, painful periods and heavy bleeding.
Its anybody's guess what the report will say, but we should relentlessly keep spreading the truth.
Idiots, it's called sterilization! Should I take comfort that the vax sheep won't be able to breed? Or be scared that the evil elite will repopulate the world with their demon seed?
Any other none vaccinated ladies out thete noticing irregularities in their cycles? My 2 daughters and I are. Proximity to the vaccinated?
Def heavier than normal.
'Temporary', as in until you die?
The benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks 😅