What is the deadline to pay the non-vax employee fine? If employers offer to allow employees to pay the fines, can employees use this fine payment as a tax deduction? Would employee's paying this fine as a [now] "required" work related expense qualify for tax deductions?
What I am trying figure out, is if there is a legal way for a company to beat the mandate game by playing along with the fines, but shielding the employees (or the company) from being actually hit by fine payments.
Look I see you are brainstorming here, but that dog won't hunt.
Am I going to be expected to take a 14k pay cut for all future employment when market rate for the skillset I bring to the job is that much higher? They would be paying my co-workers 14k more just because of a health decision and not due to merit or productivity or credentialing or anything measurable by work performance.
That would be really messed up. Not that the vax mandate isn't already messed up.