What is the deadline to pay the non-vax employee fine? If employers offer to allow employees to pay the fines, can employees use this fine payment as a tax deduction? Would employee's paying this fine as a [now] "required" work related expense qualify for tax deductions?
What I am trying figure out, is if there is a legal way for a company to beat the mandate game by playing along with the fines, but shielding the employees (or the company) from being actually hit by fine payments.
I assume so sinse they would be an expense of doing business. They'll have to hire someone trained/credentialed to administer the tests too or I imagine they could not be seen as accurate if you just gave it to the employee to perform on themselves. How much will that cost a company of say 5000 employees to do on a weekly basis?
Which brings up a good point. Depending on the employee's who may be potentially fired, or lost by a company, perhaps it would be more cost effective (under certain circumstances) to pay the fine simply to retain valuable employees, and maintain stability, rather than trying to re-hire, re-train, re-certify, and endure hiring costs for replacements.