Hey everyone,
Here is the article: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/chinas-economy-suddenly-disintegrates-land-sales-crater-90
He summed things up nicely at the end: "Bottom line: Beijing is facing an economy whose wheels have suddenly come off, and unless China's political elite is willing to unleash another massive monetary and fiscal tsunami and bail out the economy all over again - something Beijing has repeatedly vowed it won't do this time - a hard landing, whether or not accompanied by a Volcker Moment, is virtually guaranteed."
I'm sure all the pedes here will have much to discuss about this.
If your theory about the gov wanting that capital gains taxes is true, then it's in their best interest to launch this rocket before the end of the year, so they can collect those taxes by April 15.
I'm in CA, highest taxes in the nation (expect maybe NY?) and we've already been entertaining the idea of moving to Florida (we've been there twice in the past six months, scouting it out) and if yuge $ rolls in after Jan 1 ('22 tax year) then I'm moving to FL for zero state taxes on that windfall.