posted ago by Oh_Well_ian ago by Oh_Well_ian +101 / -2

PDF related to President Trump's 2017 EO on Human Trafficking:


My Administration is focused on ending the horrific practice of human trafficking, and the three bills the House of Representatives passed today are important steps forward. Since taking office, I have met with courageous survivors, non-profit groups, and faith leaders who are devoting tremendous energy to raising awareness about human trafficking. I am hopeful that the Senate will take up and pass these three bills as soon as possible and I look forward to my continued work with the Congress on this important issue

The Presidio Army Base Scandal involved children allegedly being taken from the Presidio Army Base preschool to private homes on the Presidio where they were sexually abused. Two houses were singled out on the Army post and at least one home off-post, in San Francisco. The activity was said to be led and organized by Col. Michael Aquino, known pedophile and career Army Intelligence Officer responsible for supervising implementation of the MK-Ultra mind-control program at military bases across the nation. The Presidio child abuse allegations began a wave of pedophilia investigations at military base pre-schools nationwide. Allegations of the Presidio children included being forced to drink urine and eat feces. Some said they had blood smeared on their bodies. Some children also reported having guns pointed at them. Others said they were told they or their parents would be killed if they spoke of what happened. One 3-year-old boy said he was sexually abused on his first visit to the center. There were five confirmed cases of Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease.

Despite the rumors and allegations, the Army, the FBI, and the U.S. Attorney's Office were united in wanting a simple pedophile case. So on Jan. 5, 1987 the head teacher at the Presidio Base, Gary Willard Hambright was arrested. Douglas Duane Dietrich, military historian and former Librarian at the Presidio Army Base during the tenure of Col. Michael Aquino, came forward as a whistleblower confirming the allegations of the children, and reported that Aquino ordered him to burn thousands of pages of documents.

Aerial View of Presidio Terrace and the Presidio

The Tudor on the corner was Feinstein's house for decades, and sits directly adjacent to the Presidio:


This was Pelosi's House and is two houses away from Feinstein's house, and across the street: https://i.insider.com/5989fd2876084a25008b6cd8?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp