They just couldn’t help themselves, could they?
🧠 These people are stupid!
Been seeing a few shills and doomers say Elder losing the recall election was the worst case scenario. It’s actually the opposite. We have more ammunition in our fight against fraud, because the deep state couldn’t keep their fingers out of OUR pie. Just keep watching, this is only just the beginning!
If Richard Grenell had entered the race, received President Trump’s endorsement, and lost, that would have been the worst case scenario. But no Trump ally entered the race. President Trump did not endorse or campaign for anyone.
Instead a Republican guy with name recognition because he has a radio show, a guy who in an unscripted moment said Joe Biden won fair and square, entered and lost. And evidently 3 million Trump voters did not even vote in the recall!
Possibly the highlight of Elder’s campaign was Rose McGowan’s statements. This is far from a worse case scenario because it was predictable.