I attend an exercise group three times a week in the morning with other women in my neighborhood. I am a senior citizen who WILL NOT get the vax. But the majority of them are double vaxxed and in the past have been pretty adamant about others should be getting it, too.
I didn't make it last Friday due to a Doctor's appointment so did not get to hear their discussion on Biden's mandated VAX.
Today one of the women who has been the MOST vocal about people getting vaxxed. Happened to say she wasn't going to get the booster.
I would have expected her to be first in line.
I didn't press her for her reasoning...... but I suspect she just MAY be waking up. I certainly hope so. She of all of them was the worst of the lot pushing the VAX.
Remember those awful book clubs where they convince you to get 5 books for a penny and then you’re obligated to buy five more at full price? This is what that reminds me of—“Yeah, sign up for our free vax and then be obligated FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to get them whenever we yank your chain.”
Exactly! You didn't check the fine print on that free offer and next thing you know your bank account has been overdrafted because you've signed up for a scam that you didn't budget for.