Me watching patriots.win drool over Niki Minaj having an opinion that alligns with theirs and forget about being treated like Nazis for 4 years.
🧠 Memory-Holed 🕳️

That's literally why her 180 on something so critical is important since she has a voice louder than all of the smug shitheads trying to bash her change of opinion. We all know Tim Pool is a greedy fence sitter who's not interested in truth, but succeeding in the brave new world of independent reporting at all costs. It doesn't mean him accidentally red pilling Adam for a year straight wasn't a fantastic help to our side. Racism is very bad yes. If she can change her attitude against the tidal wave of vax promoters then she can change her attitude against the tidal wave of race hustlers she's employed by. Where this goes we shall see but these types of posts have zero value.
Pretty sure that you just gave me my first downvote. Been here almost a year to. Hahahaha
Def get what your saying doesn’t negate the fact that she is really disgusting. I was voicing that. If anyone is fawning over what this women says needs help. That’s from either side honestly.